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Seven Music Documentary Films and Series From 2024 to Watch (and Three to Skip)

Jun 16, 2024
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Music documentaries and series are a sure thing, or so it seems. 2024 has seen quite a few of them hit theatres and even more turn up on streamers. Among these are the high-profile ones such as the newly restored 1970 film, The Beatles: Let it Be and Frank Marshall’s The Beach Boys, not to mention Taylor Swift|The Eras Tour (Taylor’s Version), all on Disney+. Lil Nas X released his interpretation of Madonna’s Truth or Dare with his behind-the-scenes tour film, Long Live Montero (HBO). There is also Eno, the groundbreaking generative documentary feature on Brian Eno. Just as fascinating as the biographical docs are topical ones such as the recently released How Music Got Free (Paramount+).

Coming soon is Stevie Van Zandt: Disciple (HBO), which shines a much deserved spotlight on the multi-hyphenate talent, and I Am: Celine Dion (Prime Movies), which shares the singer’s challenges with Moersch-Woltman Syndrome.

Whether or not you’re into the artists, subjects, or the music, there is a voyeuristic and vicarious thrill in watching musicians, both in their professional setting and personal lives. Music documentary films and series are often worth the time—except when they’re not. Here are seven must-watch music docs and series released in 2024, and three from this year that you can skip.

Disco: Soundtrack of a Revolution


This three-part series from BBC Studios and PBS is the comprehensive story of disco. It’s not a Donna Summer and Bee Gees rehash that touches on disco’s origins in the Black and Brown gay clubs of New York. Rather, Disco: Soundtrack of a Revolution is an in-depth unpacking of the genre with tremendous archival footage and images, as well as talking heads from the last 50 years. It explores the social, cultural, political and economic context of disco with equal attention paid to the different groups of people that created it and were impacted by it. Thorough and engaging, the standout voice is original disco DJ Nicky Siano, who was also a resident DJ at Studio 54. Who better than Siano to sherpa viewers through this enduring sound?

Stax: Soulsville, U.S.A.


Motown is the household name, but it’s Stax Records’ output that lives in everyone’s music collection and populates their playlists. The four-part series Stax: Soulsville, U.S.A. is essential viewing for even the most casual of music lovers. The history of soul music cannot be told without Stax’s undeniable input in its creation and evolution. The best sounds came from Stax’s Memphis studios. The classic images and footage are second to none and the experiences of Stax’s key players told firsthand are invaluable. The series features classic performances and appearances from Otis Redding and Isaac Hayes, to mention just two. Plus there is the historic event in 1972 in Los Angeles, Wattstax, which is clearly the West Coast’s Summer of Soul. The Wattstax 1973 documentary is a great companion watch.

The Greatest Night in Pop


The Greatest Night in Pop, about the writing and recording of USA for Africa’s “We Are the World” at Henson Studios is a masterpiece of director Bao Nguyen. Seeing the musicians’ personalities in close quarters, working all night, is a once in a lifetime opportunity. The footage of superstars standing nervously in the same room and bringing their best performance to the table is nicely juxtaposed against the “new” footage Nguyen created for the film, which comes from his imagination, but matches the narrative of the original content exactly. What’s even more genius is Nguyen’s syncing of the audio from a journalist’s cassettes to the footage, which had no sound as it was all going through the mixing board. The final film is a smooth and memorable experience.

Behind the Music


Before Sunday nights belonged to HBO, they belonged to VHI’s Behind the Music series. A forerunner in the music docuseries, it was irresistibly salacious but also emotional, often moving viewers to tears. The original version told the truth, but amplified it to gasp-inducing level. As gratuitous as that approach was, it’s still better than the sanitized versions of those artists stories that came later, cases in point The Go-Go’s and Duran Duran. Paramount+’s reboot has all the grittiness of the original, but circumvents scandal for scandal’s sake. This might be attributed to the narration being done by the subjects and people close to them rather than a drama dripping voiceover. In its second season, key episodes are “Boy George,” “Mötley Crüe” and “Wolfgang Van Halen.”

LOLLA: The Story of Lollapalooza


In three episodes, the full story of Lollapalooza, one of North America’s key festivals is told through the people that made it and played it. Balanced and truthful, LOLLA: The Story of Lollapalooza acknowledges every mistake, and every triumph. Raw footage captures the feeling of the early iterations of the festival. This being Farrell’s project, there are stellar talking heads talking about their experiences including Trent Reznor, Ice T, Lars Ulrich, Tom Morello, Chance the Rapper and Farrell himself. Considering how synonymous Chicago is with Lolla, it’s fascinating to see the resistance of the people of Chicago (including music journalists) to bringing it to the city’s Grant Park. Even through Lolla’s done well for Chicago, the good and the bad of its move the city is told without bias.

Catching Fire: The Story of Anita Pallenberg


Anita Pallenberg was the girlfriend of Brian Jones and Keith Richards, with whom she had two kids. Plus, she had a little affair with Mick Jagger. Watching Catching Fire: The Story of Anita Pallenberg, it’s clear why this luminous creature had The Rolling Stones wrapped around her little finger. Cultured and confident, gorgeous and glamorous, the iconic Pallenberg nevertheless felt the pressure of being the object of their affection, as well as the center around which they revolved. She self-medicated heavily and spun out of control, but that didn’t take away from her amazing and charismatic character. Based on the late Pallenberg’s unpublished memoir, with the support of her children and the significant input of Richards, the only drawback of Catching Fire is Scarlett Johansson’s deadpan reading of the memoir in the voiceover.

ABBA: Against the Odds


Marking the 50th anniversary of ABBA’s victory at Eurovision with “Waterloo,” ABBA: Against the Odds dissects the Swedish group’s five-year trajectory between 1976 and 1980 in minute detail, warts and all. ABBA’s music is so popular and enduring. Their recent five Grammy nominations prove how much they continue to be a part of pop culture. Not to mention “ABBA Voyage,” their virtual concert residency, which is in its third year at its purpose-built venue in London, ABBA Arena. It’s hard to imagine that ABBA were reviled for making pop music, but they were and ABBA: Against the Odds doesn’t shy away from painting an accurate picture of their experience. With priceless original footage from Swedish television, personal photographs and concert video, it hurts to watch how difficult success was for ABBA.

Thank You, Goodnight: The Bon Jovi Story


This four-part series drags out Jon Bon Jovi’s musical life into an exhausting infomercial for his group’s new album, Forever. A 40-year history provides a lot of material from which to draw. Seeing Bon Jovi’s early years in New Jersey finding his way in music and watching his dogged determination is as fun and it is admirable. The creation of the group’s iconic songs is fascinating. But there is a sheen to Thank You, Goodnight: The Bon Jovi Story that feels disingenuous. The conflict, as it were, is Bon Jovi’s issues with his voice. But with superior medical care and rehabbing with top of the game professionals, plus Bon Jovi’s signature resolve, it doesn’t feel critical. What’s glossed over is his bandmates’ substance abuse problems and the way they were dealt with or, in one case, their death.



Even if she grew up there, Dua Lipa should not oversee the making a docuseries about Camden. Documentation of this London borough’s cultural and particularly musical impact on the city, the country and the world has long been overdue. Disappointingly, the four-part Lipa co-produced version is sanitized and vague. In no way does Camden uncover the back story of the area, why it has so many venues of varying sizes, or why it is a magnet for unconforming characters. Most frustratingly, over the course of four hours, Camden can’t pinpoint what it is that makes the neighborhood the longstanding hotspot that it continues to be. Talking heads like Boy George, Madness’ Suggs, Noel Gallagher and Carl Barât do their valiant best, but, in the end, you’re left empty-handed.

Let the Canary Sing


A colorful and characterful person like Cyndi Lauper deserves more than a surface-level overview of her multipronged career. Unfortunately, Let the Canary Sing, even with its unparalleled access to Lauper, makes her formative years seem generic, her stratospheric years play like a supercut of her television appearances, and her later years aren’t delved into deep enough. Granted it’s really fun to watch the ‘80s Lauper, and even more fun to hear her talk. Yet Let the Canary Sing feels like an abridged version of Lauper’s big life. But conflict-free and hagiographic is how director Alison Ellwood approaches her subject matter (see The Go-Go’s which basically ignored the members’ alcohol and substance problems) and without something to overcome, there is not much left.


Submit your comment

March 31st 2011

Great albums these were, but the songs you picked in my opinion were not the best on them, like Empire Ants for the Gorrilaz? There are way better songs than that on the album. And Runaway being towards the bottom? After Monster? For High Violet Bloodbuzz Ohio? Not Terrible Love? Or Lemonworld??? I still somewhat respect you all’s taste in music even that been said.

Much Love.

Claire M.
April 1st 2011

This was a rather good list, but as with all lists of this type I must insert some of my own additions:

LCD Soundsystem - Dance Urself Clean
  This song was desperately needed in the top 35 of this list - it was definitive LCD, laid back, natural and extremely unique.

Arcade Fire - The Suburbs & the Suburbs Cont’d
    Both of these songs are tunes that have that rare quality of starting out good, but being so much better after the hundredth listen. They deserved a shout out.

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stainless sinks
June 22nd 2011

Most of these shows are halfway done though just 6 or 5 episodes left for Boardwalk and Dexter… you can catch up on “The Event” on Hulu. HBO and Showtime will more than likely re-run the seasons again after the season is done.

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December 16th 2011

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December 17th 2011

Very glad to see ‘Skying’ made the top 5! Great album

December 17th 2011


Where’s Pete & The Pirates AND King Creosote/Jon Hopkins…..?!!

You’re not finished with your homework!!!

December 17th 2011

Annie Clark and Anna Calvi both rock, glad to see them in the top 10 but how did White Denim’s D not even make your top 80!?!

December 18th 2011

Interesting list. Another victory for St. Vincent! Happy to see Anna Calvi, John Maus, Low, PJ, Julianna Barwick, Wild Beasts, Panda Bear, James Blake, Gang Gang Dance, Atlas Sound, Lykke Li, EMA, Cat’s Eyes, Toro Y Moi and The Weeknd. It’s truly been a great year 4 music! Take care

December 18th 2011

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December 18th 2011

Really?  Repeater’s We Walk From Safety didn’t even get mentioned!?  I CALL BULLSHIT

December 19th 2011

Great list. I also really loved The Hill and Wood this year - hope to see them on here next year.

Leon Monterey
December 19th 2011

Great list, slept on these guys though http://www.blackgirlsband.com

December 19th 2011

Anti-Hip Hop much?

December 21st 2011

@Hayd: Do you read UTR? It’s not a “hip hop” magazine, but that doesn’t make it, as you say, “anti-hip hop”.

Walter Mace
December 22nd 2011

Planningtorock’s “W” deserves mention!

December 22nd 2011

Check out mys list:

December 24th 2011

You forgot to add Built Like Alaska’s ‘In Troubled Times…’ :)

Sälja guld
December 27th 2011

The Devils Walk should be #1 not last!

December 27th 2011

My (humble) best of 2011:

December 30th 2011

totally agree with the top 5.. Even I thought that Helplessness Blues would make it to #1 since one of the top media mentioned it in the highlight as The Most Beautiful album of 2011.
somehow I figured-out by looking at the list that best albums came with great cover artworks! :D

January 1st 2012

Thanks for the sharing, they are so special, I like them all.

January 5th 2012

WOO TORCHWOOD (not that miracle day stood up to the first three seasons, mostly because it lacked certain welsh characters, but still. gotta love jack harkness. and having a show exist in which the main character is gay. because torchwood’s the only one this year.)

Guldpris Gram
January 11th 2012

Allt som glimmar är inte guld!

January 14th 2012

Nice albums, I like them very much!

January 20th 2012

Oh, thanks for the sharing, I like these songs very much. I will add them to my favorite list.

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January 24th 2012

This was a great list! I think you may be missing a few (ahem!) but thanks for the blog.

January 25th 2012

Sometimes I just cannot understand why Gossip Girl isn’t considered one of the best shows on television. It’s like the soap operas - they have maintained good ratings and people have watched them for years and years. What else proves a show is good then the amount of viewers? Thanks for the post!

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March 29th 2012

you considered 40 albums. I like few of them. It’s interesting that 40 album did well in the past year.

Arthur van der Vant
April 10th 2012

I’ve been watching big bang theory. I am really hooked up on this. It is really a good movie.

John Smith
April 25th 2012

Why isn’t supernatural on here!?!

Shelly Law
April 30th 2012

Glad to see the lists of top 40 debut albums of 2011 indeed. The presentation you pop up here seems to me complicated things. Most of the albums are in my list though!

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May 19th 2012

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May 29th 2012

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May 30th 2012

Sea Changes is good, but Mutations is a much better album.

May 30th 2012

My picks: 1. The Information. 2. Modern Guilt. 3.Odelay 4. Midnight Vultures. 5. Guero

May 31st 2012

I’d pick Odelay first, then Guero, Modern Guilt and then Sea Change. Those were just the ones that I really attached to right off the bat

Mellon Baller
May 31st 2012

One foot in the Grave. BECK’S BEST!!!

Steve Brand
June 3rd 2012

Seems like a fair order for those albums. It would be great to hear new material from Beck, yeah.

June 5th 2012

I almost didn’t buy Midnite Vultures because of that hideous cover…

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Andrew clark
June 14th 2012

Great TV shows list of 2010! :lol: I saw some of these show. These were really very amazing to watch. Love all these program. Thanks for this allocation. :lol:

Paul Perito
June 17th 2012

Truly an even better year for music, and a great release for the upcoming years.

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The Walking Dead

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June 19th 2012

I have heard some of these and they sound amazing.

Single African
June 21st 2012

great list! thanks for sharing. Keep it up dude! Music really rocks..

Floyd Rob
July 3rd 2012

Oh my Gosh!!! I love Modern Guilt album amazingly. It’s my favorite for teaming up with Danger Mouse to produce the record and featuring Cat Power as a guest vocalist. Thanks for input info! :)

Samon Simon
July 7th 2012

Thanks mates! I appreciate your ranking places and I’ve no any disagreement. Thanks for informing with us!

Jason Novak
July 9th 2012

I would rank “Fold Your Hands” much higher. In fact, if you take the non-stuart songs off of that album, it competes for the #2 spot for me. It’s like there are 2 sides to B&S: the twee side and the 60s-70s influenced side, and FYH is the best example of the latter.

Aaron Ellis
July 9th 2012

It’s 2012, we don’t have to pick which albums we want to take with us. They are all essential.

July 9th 2012

I agree with Jason. “Fold Your Hands” should be near the top.  In my opinion, it would actually be a pretty good battle between “If You Are Feeling Sinister” and “Fold Your Hands” for the number one spot.

Gregg Weiss
July 10th 2012

Write About Love has to be #8. Fold your Hands #5—some great, great tunes on it!

Emma Saxton
July 11th 2012

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Mark Reback
July 12th 2012

Where is their amazing EP from ‘98 “This Is Just A Modern Rock Song”?  This is not only their best song, but none of the four tunes on this EP were on any full lengths.
This is just a modern rock song,
This is just a sorry lament,
We’re four boys in corduroys,
We’re not terrific but we’re competent.

Zane Johnston
July 12th 2012

Agree with other reviewers that “Fold Your Hands” deserves at least the #5 spot. My #1 is “The Boy With The Arab Strap” for “Simple Things,” “Dirty Dream Number Two” and “Is it Wicked Not to Care?”—all ace tracks.

Michael Paolucci
July 12th 2012

I agree with those who say Fold Your Hands Child should be ranked higher. To me it creates a mood unrivaled by their other albums and I would consider “Women’s Realm” and “Don’t Leave the Light on Baby” to be among their top ten songs. It might not sound as unified as Sinister or Tigermilk, but the flaws here are a virtue as this album sees the band removing tongue from cheek and taking a more straight-forward approach (with the exception of “The Model”). Unlike the author of this post, I feel that the mood introduced by the first song, “I Fought in a War” is continued and maintained throughout the album. In fact, it is enhanced. I wouldn’t object to putting this album at #5 although, it might mean even more than that to me personally. 

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July 18th 2012

Just looked some of these up and they sound really good.

July 22nd 2012

Thank you admin very nice share

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July 25th 2012

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Fotovoltaické Panely
July 25th 2012

The very interesting list of albums

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Property Management Philadelphia
August 9th 2012

Those are some of my favorite shows, but I agree with Ariel below - which is gossip girl not on the list? Their ratings and longevity are unrivaled in the industry.

Frank Steiner
August 12th 2012

Jagjaguwar definitely deserves a better ranking.

August 21st 2012

DCW is much higher up for me. I never understood the praise for IYFS. I would also put TLP higher has well. Write About Love is just okay.

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August 24th 2012

Listened to some and they are not bad.
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