Premiere: Brontë Fall Shares New Single “One More Day” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Wednesday, June 26th, 2024  

Premiere: Brontë Fall Shares New Single “One More Day”

Watch the Accompanying Video Below

Jun 18, 2024 Photography by Sammy Hearn Bookmark and Share

Brontë Fall is the moniker of Nashville-based singer/songwriter Teri Bracken, who borrowed the name from her favorite writers, the Brontë sisters, and the Emily Brontë poem, “Fall, Leaves, Fall.” She debuted as Brontë Fall with her 2017 album, Silhouette Dances, and followed with two EPs, 2020’s Finishing School and 2022’s Winter.

Amidst the release of Winter, Fall took some time away from music to care for her ailing father before returning earlier this year with her new single, “Woman Like Me,” followed by another new single, “Making It Up.” Today she’s sharing her latest track, “One More Day,” along with an accompanying music video, premiering with Under the Radar.

Where “Making It Up” found Fall pulling from the bright and sunny pop rock of artists like Sheryl Crow, “One More Day” is more reflective and devastatingly personal. The track reflects on grief and loss, accompanying Fall’s vulnerable vocal performance with simmering swells of organ, weepy pedal steel, and plaintive acoustic chords. It is impossible to miss the aching emotion in Fall’s vocals, yet she also carries a resolute undertone to her confessions. Ultimately, the track feels starry and almost hopeful, offering a moment of respite from the desolation of grief as Fall’s lyrics look forward to what tomorrow brings: “When it’s all gone wrong / There’s no right way to carry on / Just as long as you make it one more day / There’s moments of life / Your only job is to survive and in time it won’t be this hard / To make it one more day.”

Fall says of the track,This is a sentiment I’ve wanted to write for years–the idea that the only way to get through a difficult time is to survive. That’s it. I felt like I was being so hard on myself with how I was dealing with my dad’s losing battle and consequent death from cancer. I was sleeping too much, drinking too much, not working out enough, etc. What I really needed to do was be kind to myself.  About a month after my dad’s passing, I went to Norway with my boyfriend’s family. On the way back we had a layover in London. I decided on a whim not to get on the second flight and instead spend a few days in London by myself. I wasn’t ready to face the rest of my life without my father. London was one of my dad’s favorite cities where he traveled often for work. I wanted to go to all of his favorite places so that I could perhaps feel closer to him somehow. ”

Check out the song and video below, out everywhere now.


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