Premiere: Disaster Kid Shares New Single “Interstate Runner” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Saturday, February 8th, 2025  

Premiere: Disaster Kid Shares New Single “Interstate Runner”

New EP Rare Bird Is Out on March 21st

Jan 13, 2025

Chicago outfit Disaster Kid makes a twangy and playful style of indie rock, pulling from plaintive and quotidian songwriting of touchstones like Jason Molina and the fuzzy melodic sensibilities of fellow Chicago bands like Ratboys. The band debuted with their 2020 album Gutterball, and they’re set to return this year with their upcoming EP, Rare Bird, out on March 21st. Songwriter Seamus Kreitzer describes the record as a “collection of notices and observations,” stitched together from writings and journal entries as far back as 2020.

Along with news of the upcoming record, the band are sharing its lead single, “Interstate Runner,” premiering with Under the Radar.

“Interstate Runner” acts as Disaster Kid’s entry into the timeless canon of road songs, offering winding reflections on what it means to live life constantly on the move. The lyrics are a free-associative blur, beginning with grounded imagery before moving in a more meditative direction: “Outside of Eau Claire / At a number four pump / Self-affirmations that / When push comes to shove / I’m stubborn and tough / I’m a constellation / You could name a star / Then I would be remembered by / Wherever you are / I’m just your interstate runner.” Meanwhile, Kreitzer and company amble their way through the track with an effortless charm, tossing out the occasional twangy guitar lick, twinkling synth tone, or deadpan vocal melody. These all cohere into a shining sing-along moment with the chorus, with the whole band locking in harmony as they deliver an impressively catchy hook.

Kreitzer explains of the track, “My parents were artists who traveled for their art and work, my dad especially. I’ve realized my art is destined to fall into those folds — allowing me to use my passion as a vehicle for venturing out and meeting the thrills of the world in front of me, while the longing for familiarity trails in the rearview. ‘Interstate Runner’ was written from within that betweenness.”

Check out the song and video below. The Rare Bird EP is out everywhere on March 21st.


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