Godcaster: Long Haired Locusts (Ramp Local) Review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Long Haired Locusts

Ramp Local

Oct 06, 2020 Godcaster Bookmark and Share

A strange thing happens when you take Long Haired Locusts out for a walk. As the wriggling meta-psychedelia tweaks your eardrums, the physical rhythms of unpredictable toddlers and zigzagging city animals will suddenly make harmonious sense, while the staid flow of everyday life appears stilted.

Godcaster are a self-contained environment, a biodome built out of repurposed punk rock lessons, high-minded anti-conventions and a dash of cult vibe for intrigue. They appear to prefer not to just project their identity within a wider sphere, but to construct their own sphere out of any ideas they deem fit to dwell in. The NYC-Philadelphia unit boasts five members—vocalist/guitarist Judson Kolk, flautist/vocalist Von Lee, bassist Bruce Ebersole, drummer Sam Pickard, and keyboardist David McFaul—but at any given time sound like they could number half or double that.

Long Haired Locusts has manic energy to spare, but proves capable of pulling back when the knots get tight. Squiggles, screeches, and all, the album is an abstract force, but not forced abstraction. You would say there should be more bands like Godcaster out there, but then that would probably defeat the point. (www.godcaster.bandcamp.com)

Author rating: 7.5/10

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