Cherry Glazerr: I Don’t Want You Anymore (Secretly Canadian) - review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Cherry Glazerr

I Don’t Want You Anymore

Secretly Canadian

Sep 29, 2023 Web Exclusive Bookmark and Share

It seems there’s no ceiling for Cherry Glazerr. Building on the indie rock stomp of 2017’s Apocalipstick and blending in the slamming grunge rock of 2019’s Stuffed & Ready, new album I Don’t Want You Anymore continues the skyward trend with a power-packed collection of raucous rhythms, bouncy beats, and rough riffs delivered with an emotional intensity akin to Wolf Alice and The Kills.

Resurrecting the soft/loud dynamics of ’90s grunge and updating it to include the taut nervousness and emotional instability much of the world is experiencing lately, lead guitarist—and singer—Clementine Creevy and company use their uncanny ability to construct alluring compositions with raw energy, punk swagger, and pop smarts that all start from a strong melodic framework.

Exquisite examples include lead singles “Soft Like a Flower” and “Ready For You.” The soft/loud dynamic is played with precision and the twists and turns on each of the well-crafted tracks is a thoroughfare of sonic pleasures. Soaring guitar chords and searing leads are meticulously pieced together with snappy rhythms and polished to perfection with a studio sheen that tempers the supercharged guitars just enough to sound sweet and spices up the sweet pop just enough to sound intense.

But it’s Creevy’s voice and layered vocal textures that jump from the speakers and command attention. Sounding both seductively smooth and fiendishly fierce, she pulls off sounding like the queen of pop morphing into the queen of prog without sounding like she’s trying to be either. The lyrics may be reflections on personal experiences or conjured from emotional imaginings and can be taken tongue in check with sarcasm as easily as they can be puerile. But you must believe them as they are delivered not only with conviction but with an enchanting, controlled screaming, like a feline ready to pounce, whose choruses will have fans singing their lungs out along with the Creevy’s rousing refrains.

Slower tracks such as “Bad Habit,” “Golden,” and third single “Sugar,” while not quite as bombastic and sharp, experiment more with floating and dreamy electronic textures that add a touch of slinky and melancholic pop and achieve the perfect balance between the dynamic and the ethereal while showing off an older, wiser side of Cherry Glazerr.

I Don’t Want You Anymore is destined to be your new guilty pleasure as the superb vocals and ultra-cool textures of these robust and vibrant tunes creep into your consciousness and stay playing in your head long after the album is over. (

Author rating: 8.5/10

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